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Goes into Effect 1/1/2024

Dear Sacred Anarchy Community & Mystery School Students,

We hope this message finds you well on your journey of self-discovery and spiritual growth. We are writing to inform you of an important development in the evolution of our sacred community.

After careful consideration and with a commitment to upholding the integrity of our mission, Sacred Anarchy Mystery School is transitioning from a public organization to a private membership structure. 

Private Membership

Welcome to the Sacred Anarchy Mystery School, an exclusive membership-based organization dedicated to offering profound courses and esoteric education to its members. Each individual entering our school is acknowledged as a living man or woman and is treated accordingly. To safeguard our members, a Private Agreement detailing terms and conditions is extended to qualified applicants, and entry into our school requires the completion of necessary signed documents. Please note that all applicants undergo a thorough review, and admission is not guaranteed.

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