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The Lovers Card

Have you ever meditated on a Tarot card before? Great wisdom can be obtained from it’s mysterious and mystical tales. Meditation allows us to connect to our subconscious mind and the Lovers card in the tarot deck is the perfect card to discuss today. Why?

The Lovers Card, or the card of Gemini represents unity and compatibility within the two hemisphere of the brain: the conscious (masculine) and the subconscious (feminine).

While there are no definite truths to what the Lovers Card represents to those who read it's magick, there is a fundamental truth that this card holds and it's in the background: the divine.

The Lovers Card invites us to see how magickal the process of manifestation can be. It shows us that the masculine (conscious mind) must make an impression upon the feminine (subconscious mind) in order for transformation to take place.

As we see in pop culture, "Sex sells", but this is a shallow interpretation of what is really going on far past meets the eye. The truth is, The Law of Gender is what really "sells" the feminine on her masculine counterpart. It presents an idea or gesture, and the subconscious either accepts of rejects it.

So today, we are going to make an impression on the subconscious mind by embodying our masculine brain, the conscious. In order to do this, let's imagine it's a first date. In order for the masculine mind to get a second date with the subconscious, he must leave an impression.

And what's the best way to leave a positive impression (with the hopes she'll see him again)... make her laugh. Show her a great time. Let him sell her on his magick.

Once she has been convinced of his gesture and playful nature, she will store this in her treasure box as an offering, which she'll then turn into a symbol.

She'll ask the divine for intervention and then, the manifestation takes place.

In this class, you’ll unlock the hidden mysterious of The Lovers tarot card and how to unlock its mystical manifestation powers.

1 hour.

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