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Create Your Own Goddess

Inside of you is a powerful light. This light is within every individual on this planet, however, few know how to access its infinite powers.

Imagine would your life would look like if this light was accessed daily to manifest your desires. Many spend their lives looking outside themselves trying to access this light, but as Glinda in the Wizard of Oz said, “It was with you all along. You just had to learn it.”

Never truer words. The power to change our frequency, intentional-ize a new reality begins and ends with this infinite light.

While there are many Gods, Goddesses, deities, Angels, Deva + fairies we can call upon to help us access deeper realities in this Universe and receive downloads from their infinite source, it is the God(dess) within you that is your greatest manifesting too.

In this introductory class, you’ll learn the power of your own inner deity by creating her archetype to serve you any time you call upon him/her.

63 mins.

1 Module

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 $45.00 USD

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